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NikkieTutorials tells: skin care in the beautiful and colorful autumn

In this blog, NikkieTutorials tells you how to best care for your skin in autumn. As the season's change, so does your skin. This makes it essential that you adjust your skincare accordingly and realize what changes in your skin the weather brings. If, like Nikkie, you would like radiant and healthy skin in your skin too, please read on quickly.

Skincare in autumn

What a wonderful summer we have had! After a blissful vacation and an equally wonderful Indian summer at home, we are back to our usual routine here. As I write this, one of the first autumn showers is clattering against the windows outside. It has become a lot cooler indoors, and I quickly turn up the heating a few degrees.

That heating is the sign for me to give my skin another boost. During the hot summer months, my skin has had a hard time of it: seawater, chlorine in the swimming pool, perspiration, air conditioning, and, of course, the sun has dried it out considerably. With the cold and windy autumn just around the corner, it's time to repair the damage and prepare my skin for winter. To ensure you don't suffer from dry and itchy skin, I share my tips for skin care in autumn below.

Gezichtsverzorging in de herfst


In summer, your skin creates an extra layer to protect it from UV rays. In autumn, this layer is superfluous. With a mask, you can remove it (exfoliate) and purify your skin.


Scrubbing is not just for summer! Scrubbing once a week, even in autumn, will renew your skin cells and prevent dull, flaky skin. To prevent dryness caused by exfoliation, it is best to use an oil-based scrub. Look carefully to see which scrub suits your skin best.

Facial care

For several years I have been using a different face cream each season. I noticed that the summer cream I used needed more protection in the fall and winter. In the summer, protection from UV radiation is most important; in the winter, in addition to UV protection, nourishing, moisturizing protection against temperature changes is necessary. Variety is also better for the skin.

Showering and bathing

Excellent, such a hot or hot bath with a nice smelling bath or shower foam. Unfortunately, the hot water and foam dry out your skin. It is better to use lukewarm water and nourishing oil-based products.


Not only is face care necessary. After a bath or shower, moisturize your body with a fragrant body lotion or butter. Be sure to lubricate extra dry areas such as elbows, knees, feet, and shins!

Hand care

The cold outside and the dryness caused by heating indoors cause your hands to dry quickly. To prevent chapping, it is essential to apply moisturizing hand cream regularly. If your hands feel very rough, use an oily cream at night, put on cotton gloves, and leave them on overnight. You will see that they are wonderfully soft in the morning.

Huidverzorging in de herfst

Caring for your lips

One of the first signs of changing weather: is chapped lips. Dry air and wind also dry out your lips, resulting in peeling or sore, cracked lips. Vaseline is a good solution, but you can do more. Cells can be removed by brushing your lips with your toothbrush in the evening. You can also use a lip scrub, let it soak in for a while, and then rinse well. Afterward, could you use a soft lip balm?


Hydration of the skin is essential not only on the outside but also on the inside. Therefore, drinking at least two liters of water a day is wise. Water causes your skin to eliminate waste products, making it less dull.

With the above tips, you can get your skin ready for autumn!

Good luck!


xox Nikkie


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